The Indus Dictionary Project
This is a pictograph of a person suspended from a zip line. Hence, it is the verb to dangle.
Harappa: Seal: H-1077 a: Asko Parpola, B. M. Pande, and Petteri Koskikallio, 2010: Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions: Volume 3,1: Page 148: New material, untraced objects, and collections outside India and Pakistan: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
It is interesting to note that Asko Parpola lists 38 Indus signs that he classifies as variants of this Indus character¹. However, it should not be assumed that all of the symbols in Parpola's list carry the same meaning. An analysis of the symbols in Parpola's list is beyond the scope of this dictionary.
To Dangle: Lynn Fawcett, 2018.
1. Sign number 83: National Fund for Mohenjodaro: Corpus by Asko Parpola: A sign list of the Indus Script: Asko Parpola (Deciphering the Indus Script): Accessed: 31 March 2019.